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Founder Members Lodge Clyne 1400


R.W.M. L.C. Fowler
D.M. J.W.Kidd
S.M. J. Wilson
W.S.W. A. Coghill
W.J.W. G. MacIver
Secretary A.D. Craigmyle
Treasurer A. Sutherland
Chaplain B. Baillie
S.D. H. Wotherspoon
J.D. C. MacKenzie
D. of C. J.D. Martin
Architect D.S. MacIntosh
Jeweller J. Cunningham
B.B. G. Ross
Organist R. Ballantyne
I.G. J.B. MacKain
Tyler W.J. Bryden
Steward J.A. Whyte